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performance concept中文是什么意思

用"performance concept"造句"performance concept"怎么读"performance concept" in a sentence


  • 性能理念


  • Current operating performance concept
  • Fire safety engineering - application of fire performance concepts to design objectives
  • It designates the principles and measures on assets recombination of public company in the future and its development direction after china joining wto . chapter six studies assets recombination performance of traffic public company , points performance concept of company assets recombination , that is the fulfill degree of motivation of the company assets recombination and the validity of the development . establish performance assessment index by delphi method
  • This article starts from team performance concept , introduces the species of team , the traits of project team , and construction project team performance appraisal of yunnan guanfang group . the innovation in this article is using customer related schema to discuss the project team performance appraisal , and expatiates how to analysis team performance indicators
用"performance concept"造句  


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